“An Imploring Gaze: The Story of a Three-Legged Pup’s Plea for Rescue”

This mother dog’s tale moved us to tears. She survived an attack from bigger dogs when she was just a month old, but lost one of her legs in the process. Fortunately, kind-hearted individuals constructed a shelter for her where she later gave birth when she became an adult. However, her dwelling was situated in a busy commercial area where hazardous automobiles frequently passed by. As a result, she struggled to find sustenance and relied solely on the generosity of strangers who offered her food, which caused her to become undernourished.

As a stranger, I couldn’t help but notice how the puppies were curious about me. Little did they know that our encounter would have a significant impact on their lives. The mother dog, who I named Naida, was a remarkable caretaker to her chubby little pups. She made sure that they had everything they needed and more.

We decided to test the puppies, and we were pleased to find out that each one of them passed with flying colors. When Naida was undergoing the examination, the puppies became emotional and cried. Naida, who is a small mother dog, weighed only 7.8 kg, and she was tired and suffering from mastitis. Additionally, she had contracted piroplasmosis, a parasitic infection. The puppies received their vaccinations and were dewormed, but they had to be separated from their mother. We pledged to provide the best possible care for them until they found a new home.

The new environment was completely foreign to them. They had a much cozier sleeping arrangement and new friends to socialize with. The food provided was especially enjoyable. Naida couldn’t help but feel a longing for her litter of puppies. We had arranged to visit them, but unfortunately, due to her antibiotic treatment, she wasn’t allowed to nurse them.

For the very first time in her life, she felt amazing. After a couple of showers, she finally got rid of all the dirt and grime that had accumulated on her fur. Her skin was dry and her fur frizzy, but she was happy to be able to play with the puppies again.

A month later, we came back from the vet and Naida was completely healed and healthy. Some of the puppies had found their forever homes and were receiving the best care possible. However, Naida stayed with us as nobody wanted to adopt a three-legged dog like her. So, I took responsibility for looking after her and making sure she gets all the love and care she deserves.

Her circle of friends here is amazing, and they spend their time playing together. The vast fields are where she spends her days, and for a pup like her, it’s a dream come true. Thanks to well-balanced meals, she’s gained weight and can run with the best of them. It’s the simple things in life that bring her the most joy.

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