Left Alone and Pregnant: Rejected by Society Despite Her Advanced Pregnancy

Animal Rescue of Anton was notified on March 17th about a pregnant dog who had been left to fend for herself in Coronado. The poor pooch was due to give birth soon and had been abandoned a few days prior. Despite a handful of kind souls offering her some food, many others had shooed her away, forcing her to take refuge in a nearby field by the highway. The situation was dire, as both the mother and her unborn pups were in danger.

Thankfully, a kind-hearted woman spotted her and immediately contacted Animal Rescue of Anton for help. However, when the rescue team arrived and tried to approach her, she quickly ran away. Although she wasn’t very fast, the team didn’t want to frighten her any further.

They slowly trailed after her until she became tired and rested. Then, they attempted to lure her into the cage with some grub. Fortunately, their tactic worked, and they quickly secured the cage before trying to soothe her. Interestingly, she appeared fine and did not display any signs of distress while inside the enclosure.

The doctor informed that the woman is close to delivering her babies. Fortunately, after conducting an ultrasound examination, it was revealed that all the fetuses are in good health and there are around ten of them eagerly waiting to come into the world. Although they seem a little smaller than usual, there’s no need to worry as everything should be fine.

She has a slight hip deviation and has been afflicted with a severe parasite infection. The initial step involves eliminating all visible parasites, followed by administering a medicated wash to prevent recontamination. Her behavior during the treatment was commendable as she did not display any aggression.

All set, she felt a bit nervous that evening. But in the end, she successfully delivered 11 puppies who are all doing well and oh so cute!

We are over the moon to announce that their little ones came into the world on March 22nd and we are absolutely smitten! In total, there are 6 boys and 5 girls.

Kindly spread the word with your loved ones or acquaintances!

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