Saving a Mama Cat and Her Adorable Kittens Abandoned on the Side of the Road

It was a sunny afternoon when I was driving home from work. As I was cruising down the road, something caught my eye. There, on the side of the road, was a young mama cat with two kittens cuddled up close to her. They looked scared and hungry, and my heart broke for them.

I pulled over and approached them slowly, trying not to scare them. The mama cat let out a helpless meow, and I knew I had to help them. I carefully picked them up and brought them to my car.

As I drove them to a local shelter, I couldn’t help but think about the countless other animals just like them who are abandoned every day. It’s a heartbreaking reality that so many innocent animals are left to fend for themselves, with no one to care for them.

When we arrived at the shelter, the staff immediately took them in and provided them with food, water, and medical attention. They were given a clean bill of health, and we were thrilled to learn that they were ready for adoption.

The mama cat is only about 10 months old, and her two kittens are two months old. They are such sweet, affectionate little creatures, and it’s clear that they all just want to be loved.

If you’re interested in adopting these adorable cats or sending a small donation to help support their care, please visit Your support can make a huge difference in the lives of these precious animals.
At Dog Rescue Shelter, we’re dedicated to rescuing animals in need and providing them with the love and care they deserve. We’re a non-profit, non-governmental rescue organization registered in Serbia, and our shelter located in Mladenovac is the largest no-kill animal shelter in the country.
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