“Snow Miracle: Abandoned Dog Overcomes Odds to Embrace a Joyful New Beginning”

The poor little doggo was stranded in the cold snow for a couple of days until a kind soul finally came to her rescue. Luckily, she was found just in time before being completely covered up by the snow.

Stray Paws was alerted of a distressed dog that had been lying motionless in the snow for two days. The poor pup’s whereabouts and situation were unclear. Was she sick, hurt, or in an accident? Without wasting any time, Stray Paws rushed to the scene to save her. Upon arrival, they found the shivering puppy almost entirely buried by snow. With half of her body trapped in the cold, it was miraculous that she was still breathing considering the freezing temperatures.

It’s a mystery how the dog managed to endure two days in the harsh cold weather. She was immobile and must have been in considerable pain. Nonetheless, she cooperated with the rescuers who placed her in a kennel and took her to the veterinarian’s clinic. The name Snow White seemed fitting for this chilly pup. Upon arrival, the vets treated her with IV fluids to raise her body temperature. They estimated that she was approximately three years old.

The cute little puppy was found with a body temperature of only 32.9°C, which is quite low compared to the usual body temperature of 38°C. Due to her small size, she didn’t have much protection from the cold weather. Sadly, since she had no tags and no one claimed her, it is believed that she was abandoned. The rescuers did everything in their power to help the sweet pup. After raising her body temperature, it took some time for her to regain the strength to walk on her paws again. However, miraculously, she survived and was able to walk around and even go outside by the second day.

Although Snow White had made a recovery, she still faced challenges. Her recuperation was difficult due to becoming ill after being rescued from the snow. However, with medication and time, she eventually found a permanent home where she thrived and even made some furry friends. Sadly, abandoned dogs like Snow White are not uncommon, but fortunately, organizations such as Stray Paws rescue are heroes in their tireless efforts to save as many pets as possible.

We’re glad that you enjoyed witnessing her happy ending. She’s an incredibly kind and cheerful youngster, even after all she’s been through. It warms my heart to witness her flourishing in the care of her new family. As per usual, kindly spread her tale amongst your acquaintances.

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