The charming Himalayan feline that took over Instagram with her unique ink-dyed look

Do you notice what I’m seeing? It seems like this beautiful feline decided to dip her cute little face into some ink. Meet Smudge, a 2-year-old Himalayan cat who’s taken on the new name “Manchado” for her ink-stained face. This is the first time she’s shown a love for boxes, cozy spots, and of course, looking glamorous for the camera. Why the controversy? The Smudge Instagram account is a must-follow for anyone in need of a daily dose of feline cuteness.

Sniff Sniff -- Is That Friday I Smell?

This place offers an abundance of activities and entertainment options, making it a delightful experience!

Sometimes I Pretend To Be A Munchkin Cat


Throw Back To My Hula Practicing Days


I Got My Game Face On. Come At Me Monday.


I'm Ready For It To Be Caturday Already


Can I Have My Morning Shnacks Meow?


Meow You Doin?


When You Are Soo Ready To Get The Weekend Started!


When You're Waiting For All The Other Girls To Finish Getting Ready


That Back Leg Tho


Look Ma! I Can Do The Splits


I Officially Deem It Sleepy Time


Hi! Miss Me?


Aww Yeaa It's Snack Time!!


Nice. I Can Wake Up Now Cuz It's Officially

The 16th item on the list.

Challenging The Hoomans To Another Staring Contest


How Was Your Day Hoomom? Did We Survive Monday?


Throw Back To When I Had A Small Smudge On My Face And My Bowl Was Too Big For Me


You're Telling Me, We Still Have One More Day Till Friday?


The Humans Are Constructing Something For Me


Thank You


When Your Friends Want You To Go Out Friday Night But You Really Just Wanna Stay In Bed And Watch Netflix


When You've Eaten Way Too Much And Are On The Verge Of A Major Snoozefest


Caught In Deep Thought  About  Have A Purrfect Tuesday Everypawdy And Hope Your Day Is Filled With Shnacks


When You Get A New Purse And Just Want To Wear It Always

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