The Wine-Red Suited Inhabitant: A Striking Black-and-Red Broadbill with a Turquoise Bill

The Black-and-Red Broadbill: An Unmistakable Inhabitant Dressed in a Stunning Wine-Red Suit and Velvet Black, Finished with a Turquoise Bill

The black-and-red broadbill is a unique bird species that stands out with its striking appearance in its natural habitat. Belonging to the Eurylaimidae bird family, the Cymbirhynchus macrorhynchos species has distinct features that make it easily identifiable. This large bird typically measures between 21 to 24 cm in length and weighs around 51 to 65 g. Its greenish-black upperparts, blackheads and breastbands, maroon half-collar, and brilliant maroon rumps and uppertail coverts make it an eye-catching species. The bird’s closed wings display a white line formed by the scapulars’ all-white borders, and a thin orange line runs along the wing’s curve. The black tail of the bird has varying degrees of white.

The bird’s bill is a beautiful dichromatic combination of vivid turquoise-blue and yellow-orange with a blue tip and borders. Its irises are a bright emerald green color. The upper parts of juveniles are sooty brown with maroon patches on the rump and uppertail coverts, while their underparts and wings are brown, giving them considerably duller plumage compared to adults.

The black and red broadbills are known for their unique physical features, including their golden irises and bills that come in a range of colors from black to brownish blue. These birds can be found in various locations such as Borneo, Myanmar, southern Thailand, southern Laos, southern Vietnam, peninsular Malaysia, and Sumatra in Indonesia. They typically inhabit tropical and subtropical mangrove forests and wet lowland woods, with a preference for areas close to water sources.

The avian creatures primarily feed on insects, but they also indulge in small fish, mollusks, and crabs. The black and red feathered Broadbills mate during the months of March to June. They build a large, untidy nest that hangs from a dead branch or stick around one to two meters above the water’s surface. Both male and female birds participate in constructing the nest, and the female lays two to three eggs, which are incubated by both parents for approximately 21 days. The chicks are fed by both parents until the 17th day after hatching, at which point they leave the nest.

This particular species is known to have a vast breeding range and can be found in areas ranging from rare to commonly seen within certain regions. However, despite this fact, the IUCN has given it a rating of Least Concern. Check out this video below to observe the bird in action!

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