Uncovering the Majestic Beauty of Vietnam’s Feathered Friends: 7 Must-See Ornamental Birds

In Vietnam, the crested bird stands as the most favored avian species. It is relatively small in size, measuring approximately 15-20 cm long and weighing around 25-30 grams. Its most notable feature is the triangular crest that protrudes above its head. Its plumage is a combination of gray and reddish-brown with white stripes present on its head, neck, and back. The crested bird’s song is distinct and graceful, especially during winter and spring when male birds sing to attract their mates. A preference for insects and fruits makes up the crested bird’s diet.

Top 7 popular ornamental birds in Vietnam

The bacon is a well-liked bird for its ornamental value in Vietnam. It is a small bird, measuring around 10-12 cm long and weighing approximately 10-15 grams. The Babbler boasts of dark black and fluffy plumage, giving it a unique look. Its eyes are also large and bright, enhancing its overall appearance. This bird is known to have a docile nature, making it easy to care for and maintain. Despite its melodious voice, it is not commonly raised in urban areas due to its loud and penetrating sound. As a result, it is usually bred in areas with low population density to prevent disturbing nearby people.

Top 7 popular ornamental birds in Vietnam

The starling is a common bird found in Vietnam, measuring at around 25-30 cm and weighing between 80-100 grams. With dark brown feathers and a white belly, it has a long tail with a pointed tip. This bird is known for its ability to imitate human voices, showcasing its intelligence. However, it can also display aggression, making patience and love necessary for successful domestication. Luckily, starlings are easy to raise, as they enjoy grasshoppers, locusts, and fruit as their favorite foods.

Top 7 popular ornamental birds in Vietnam

The macaw is a bird that is quite popular among bird enthusiasts. It is a medium-sized bird and its size varies depending on the specific type. These birds usually have thick and soft feathers, with bright and vibrant colors. Their large and round head, along with their big eyes, make them quite distinctive. However, the most noticeable feature on their face is their huge beak, which is composed of hard and extremely strong horny layers. Macaws are known for their intelligence and are considered to be one of the smartest bird species. They are capable of learning and speaking human language and can even perform simple mathematical calculations.

Top 7 popular ornamental birds in Vietnam

The nightingale is a bird known for its enchanting singing voice that captivates many people. It measures approximately 21-25 cm in length and weighs between 49-75 kg. One of its distinctive physical characteristics is the light-colored hair surrounding its eyes, beak, and nose. Like other birds, it feeds on a variety of insects such as locusts, grasshoppers, and ant eggs. Once acclimated, they can be fed with additional nutrients like bird bran, cereals, and millet.

Top 7 popular ornamental birds in Vietnam

The ringed bird is a charming and well-known species that has been mentioned in various poems and songs associated with our childhood. This bird boasts a delicate and adorable appearance, featuring a golden beak and blue or yellow feathers. Measuring at around 10cm in body length, the ringed bird typically has short tails and wings. What’s interesting about their legs is that they are slender and have three toes, which helps them climb and grasp onto surfaces more effectively. In terms of lifespan, the ringed bird usually lives for approximately 4-7 years. They have a diverse diet, consuming bran, insects, grains, and fruits.

Top 7 popular ornamental birds in Vietnam

The coal warbler is an audacious avian that prefers to dwell near human settlements. Its offspring showcase unique talents such as singing and kicking. Sporting a two-tone coat, their bellies and wing edges are white while their backs, heads, and necks are adorned with black feathers. When it comes to food, these birds can be quite choosy and have a particular liking for a mixture of peanut powder and eggs.

Top 7 popular ornamental birds in Vietnam

Vietnam is known for its top 7 sought-after ornamental birds that not only add beauty but also contribute to the country’s economy. Raising pet birds has become a well-established industry in Vietnam and it offers psychological benefits that promote people’s love for nature. However, it is imperative to follow environmental and wildlife protection laws when raising pet birds and take good care of their health. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in harm to animals, the environment, and potential legal violations.

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