Stranded in the Woods with a Huge Growth, Isolated in the Chill and Misery, Aching for Release in Distress

Numerous rescue organizations shared the photo of this adorable canine on the internet. Without any hesitation, a woman captured his picture and posted it on her Facebook page.

Our furry friend is an amstaff breed, but unfortunately, he’s in a bit of a rough spot. He can’t move around much and can only manage to stand up. We’re not quite sure what could have led to this state. One theory is that he might have gotten shot, especially since he was found in a wooded area.

This little guy is so lovable, his tail is always happily wagging. Unfortunately, it seems that someone previously owned him and had his ears cropped before abandoning him.

Meet Alphonzo, a patient with a tumor that’s been discovered through x-rays. Unfortunately, his leg has been severely disfigured and emits an unpleasant odor. To make matters worse, Alphonzo is in excruciating pain.

The veterinarian will conduct additional examinations such as blood tests, chest x-rays, and a CT scan to check for any potential spread of the condition. Unfortunately, it seems highly likely that amputation of the affected limb will be necessary.

He loves to wag his tail and greet people with kisses. It’s great to see him have a good appetite, which is a promising sign.

After conducting a chest x-ray, it was revealed that there are no metastases. Due to this, the patient will undergo a leg amputation while being connected to an IV. Although the blood work reported anemia, immediate action is necessary and cannot be delayed any further.

Alphonzo underwent a tough surgery that lasted hours, which resulted in the amputation of his front leg. A massive 6-kilo tumor was also removed during the procedure, but fortunately, he was able to pull through and survive. After just four days, he left the clinic in good spirits. Alphonzo is a true warrior, and we are confident that he will continue to thrive. While he is currently anemic, we plan to address this issue through proper nutrition and vitamin supplements. Currently, he is under the care of Merima, a skilled veterinary nurse who is providing him with personalized attention and care.

After undergoing a strenuous surgery, this furry fellow has made a full recovery and is expected to live a happy, normal life! Our fingers are crossed that he’ll soon find his perfect home with someone who will adore him just as much as they love themselves.

Alphonzo has been a part of our lives for about a month now, and we’re thrilled to report that he’s doing exceptionally well. His wound has been healing nicely, and we haven’t encountered any issues with his health. He’s an incredibly affectionate pup who adores the company of people, children, and even dogs. Surprisingly, he doesn’t seem to be bothered by cats at all!

he’ll be the first in line to get neutered.

This little guy is about one year old and as soon as the free spay and neuter program starts up again, he will be at the top of the list to get his procedure done.

I’m really hopeful that this little one will find a loving home soon. He’s so grateful for all the help he’s received, and Meri and Franjo are doing an amazing job looking after him!

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